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SEO tests - what mistakes are you making on your site?


SEO testing is a process that aims to improve a website's visibility in search engine results. This is extremely important because most users use search engines to find information, products and services. If your website is not well optimized, it can be difficult to be found in search results, leading to fewer visits and potential customers. SEO testing allows you to identify your site's weaknesses and make the necessary changes to improve its position in search results.

What is SEO testing?

SEO testing is the process of analyzing and optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search results. There are many different types of SEO testing that can be done, depending on the goals and needs of your site. Some of the most popular SEO tests are keyword analysis, meta tag optimization, improving URL structure, creating quality content, optimizing internal and external linking, and configuring robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.

Why conduct SEO testing?

SEO testing has many benefits. First, it allows you to improve your site's visibility in search results, which leads to more visitors and potential customers. Second, SEO testing allows you to identify and fix errors on your site that may negatively affect its position in search results. Third, SEO testing allows you to monitor and adjust your SEO strategy according to changes in search engine algorithms. These algorithms are constantly being updated, so it's important to stay up-to-date and adapt your site to the latest requirements.

Common mistakes on websites

There are many common mistakes that are made on websites that can negatively affect SEO. One of the most common mistakes is not using keywords properly. Keywords are important for SEO because they help search engines understand what your site is about. If you don't use the right keywords or use them too often, it can affect your site's position in search results.

Lack of appropriate use of keywords

Failure to use keywords appropriately can negatively affect SEO. If you don't use keywords that are related to the content of your site, it can be difficult for search engines to understand what your site is about. This can lead to a lower ranking in search results. On the other hand, if you use keywords too often, it can be considered spamming and also affect your site's position in search results.

To use keywords effectively, it's important to place them in appropriate places on the page, such as the title, headings, content and meta tags. However, this should be done naturally and not overdo it. It is also important to use different variations of keywords to show search engines that your site is related to different user queries.

Unoptimized meta tags

Meta tags are HTML code elements that describe the content of a page. They are important for SEO because search engines use them to understand what your page is about. If your meta tags are unoptimized or improperly configured, it can affect your site's position in search results.

To optimize meta tags, it is important to include relevant keywords that are related to the content of your site. Meta tags should also be short and concise so that they are easy for search engines to understand. It is also important that each page on your site has unique meta tags that describe its content.

Incorrect URL structure

URL structure affects SEO because search engines use it to understand what your site is about. If your URLs are misconfigured or misunderstood, it can affect your site's position in search results.

To create an appropriate URL structure, it is important to use keywords in URLs that are related to the content of the page. URLs should also be short and concise so that they are easy to remember and share. It's also important to avoid using special characters and numbers in URLs, as they can make it difficult for search engines to understand the page.

Lack of quality content

Content is important for SEO, as search engines prefer sites that provide valuable and unique information to users. If your site has low-quality content or contains duplicate content, it can affect its position in search results.

To create quality content, it is important to provide valuable information to users. Content should be unique, original and well-written. It is also important to avoid copying content from other websites, as this can lead to duplicate content problems.

Poor internal and external linking

Linking affects SEO because search engines use links to understand how pages are related to each other. If your site has poor internal and external linking, it can affect its position in search results.

To improve internal linking, it is important to create links between pages on your site that are thematically related. Links should also be descriptive and contain keywords that are related to the content of the linked page.

To improve external linking, it is important to acquire links from other websites that are thematically related to your site. Links should also be natural and come from credible and authoritative sites.

Incorrect configuration of robots.txt and sitemap.xml files

The robots.txt and sitemap.xml files are important for SEO because they help search engines understand what pages on your site should be indexed and how often they should be visited. If these files are configured incorrectly, your site's position in search results can be affected.

To properly set up a robots.txt file, it is important to indicate which pages on your site should be indexed and which should be ignored by search engines. The sitemap.xml file should list all pages on your site that should be indexed by search engines.

How to avoid SEO testing mistakes and improve your site's position.

To avoid SEO testing mistakes, it's important to stay up to date with the latest changes in search engine algorithms. This can be done by reading blogs and articles on SEO, attending conferences and trainings, and using SEO monitoring and analysis tools.

In order to improve a site's position, it is important to regularly conduct SEO tests and adjust your strategy depending on the results. This can be done by analyzing analytical data, monitoring competitors and using SEO monitoring and analysis tools.


SEO testing is important for improving a site's visibility in search results. There are many mistakes that can be made on a site that can negatively affect SEO. In order to avoid these mistakes and improve your site's position, it is important to perform SEO testing regularly and adjust your strategy depending on the results.

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