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Facebook vs Instagram ads - where is it worth investing?

Advertising on Facebook and Instagram are effective promotional tools that offer many benefits to marketers. Both of these social channels have their own unique characteristics that attract different audiences. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of the two platforms, the differences between them, ad management, demographics and content customization for the chosen advertising channel. Learn how to choose the right advertising platform and how to optimize your campaigns for best results.

Advertising goals on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook is known for its advanced targeting tools that allow it to precisely reach specific audiences. This makes Facebook an excellent platform for running advertising campaigns that aim to directly convert users on a website. If your main goal is to increase sales or attract new customers, Facebook may be the ideal platform for your campaign.

Instagram, being a visual platform, is an ideal tool for building brand awareness through visually appealing content. Ads on Instagram are more visually engaging and effectively capture users' attention, making the platform an excellent option for showcasing a brand's image, products and lifestyle. In addition, Instagram is an ideal tool for increasing user engagement through interactive content, such as contests, quizzes and Q&As.

It's a good idea to determine at the outset what your goals are and thus pursue them with the right platform. If you care about effective branding and image building - you can use Instagram for this, while Facebook, on the other hand, may work better to achieve the goal of website conversion.

Differences between advertising on Facebook and Instagram

There are some differences between advertising on Facebook and Instagram that are worth considering when choosing the right advertising platform. One of the main differences is the available ad formats on both platforms. On Facebook, we can use a variety of formats, such as images, video, carousels or collections. This gives more flexibility and the ability to tailor advertising to specific goals and content. On Instagram, on the other hand, we have access to formats such as Instagram Stories, sponsored posts, video, carousels and collections. It is worth noting that advertising on Instagram requires adapting content to the specifics of this platform, which focuses mainly on visual content.

Another important issue is the integration between Facebook and Instagram. Instagram is owned by Facebook, so ads on both platforms are strongly connected. We can easily manage ads on both platforms using Facebook's Ad Manager. It is also possible to run ads on both platforms at the same time, which can be beneficial if Facebook has a larger audience and Instagram provides more user engagement. However, it's important to note that despite the integration, Facebook and Instagram ads have their own specific features and require content customization for each platform.

Facebook and Instagram ad management - how does it work?

Facebook and Instagram ads are managed from the Facebook Ad Manager, making the process more integrated and simplified. However, there are some differences in the functionality available for ads on both platforms. For Facebook advertising, the Ad Manager offers more extensive options, such as setting campaign goals and creating ad sets. For Instagram, on the other hand, the functionalities are a bit more simplified, making ad management simpler and more intuitive. It only takes a few clicks to set up an ad on Instagram.

If you don't have experience in advertising on these platforms, and you already have a target audience on each of them, it's worth starting with paid promotion on Instagram. By doing so, you'll be better equipped to also take advantage of the benefits offered by

Facebook Ads in the Future. Ads on both platforms are highly integrated with each other, so you can easily manage your campaigns and monitor results from within Facebook Ads Manager.

Target audience on Facebook and Instagram

When choosing the right advertising platform, it is worth analyzing the demographics of Facebook and Instagram users. Facebook has a larger number of users, making it a more popular social channel. As a result, Facebook ads can be targeted to different age groups and interests. The platform is often chosen by middle-aged people and the millenial generation, but there is no shortage of seniors as well. If your target audience includes different age groups, Facebook advertising can be a good choice.

However, if your target audience is mainly focused on younger users, it is worth considering advertising on Instagram. This platform is popular among young people and has a high user engagement rate. If your brand is targeting Generation Z, advertising on Instagram may yield better results. It's also worth analyzing your target audience's engagement data on both platforms. If your followers are more active on Instagram, that's where you should target your advertising to achieve greater engagement and effectiveness.

Content vs. type of advertising - how to match the content with the chosen advertising channel?

Once you've decided whether you're choosing to advertise on Facebook or Instagram, you'll also need to properly tailor your ad content to your chosen platform. Both platforms offer different types of content that can be used in ads. On Facebook, we can use different formats, such as images, video, carousels or collections. This gives you the opportunity to create a variety of content and tailor it to your specific campaign goals. If you have more textual content, such as case studies or blog posts, it will be better to advertise them on Facebook. Users will be able to go directly to the material through a clickable link, which is impossible in a post on Instagram.

Instagram, on the other hand, focuses mainly on visual content, such as photos and videos. Therefore, if you have attractive visual content, it is worth using advertising on Instagram. Visual content is more likely to attract users' attention and increase the effectiveness of advertising. However, keep in mind that regardless of the platform you choose, you need to tailor your content to the specifics of each platform. For example, if you want to include a clickable link in an ad, you can only do so on Facebook, not on Instagram. Therefore, it is important that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the functionalities and capabilities of both platforms before launching an advertising campaign.

Facebook and Instagram ad prices

When starting a social ads campaign on Facebook or Instagram, you need to decide which billing model will work best for you. There are two main billing models: CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) and CPC (cost per click). The difference between the two is how you pay for your ad.

The CPM model is based on cost per 1,000 impressions of your ad. This means that you pay a certain amount for every thousand impressions of your ad, regardless of whether users click on it or not. This model is often used to build brand awareness and increase the reach of your ad.

The CPC model, on the other hand, involves paying for each click on your ad. This means that you only pay when a user actually clicks on your ad and goes to your target page. This model is often used to generate website traffic or increase conversions.

The cost of advertising on Facebook and Instagram can vary depending on a number of factors, such as competition in the market, demand for a particular product and the industry in which you operate. It's worth noting that advertising on Instagram can be slightly more expensive than on Facebook, but rates can vary depending on the specifics of your industry. It is worth conducting research and market analysis to determine the optimal advertising budget and choose the right billing model.

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