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Building engagement on social media platforms in 2024 - How to get an engaged community?

Do you have a company profile on Facebook, post there occasionally and that's it? At the same time, you wonder why you don't have an engaged community, with neither likes nor comments under your posts? What are you doing wrong that you are not able to develop engagement on social media? We suggest in the article.

Facebook is a staple when it comes to the channels your brand needs to be on. But is it enough? It's hard to build social media engagement using just one medium. Today's consumers move seamlessly between the most diverse platforms. One minute they're on Instagram to check out the latest videos on YouTube, and on the other screen they're browsing Tik Tok. If you want to develop audience engagement, you need to make an effort.

TikTok vs. Instagram: Which social media to invest in in 2024?

More than 80% of mobile Internet traffic is watching videos. TikTok and Instagram are two platforms that are great for engaging audiences through video content. The apps give users the ability to create and publish their own content, making it easy to reach a wide audience. Both platforms value original content, and users are eager to interact with the content.

Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users, more than 71% of users are under 35 years old, and more than 70% of companies a America have a corporate account on this channel. Overlooking its potential is often a big loss for a company. Especially when it involves an aesthetically pleasing product or service that strongly relates to current trends. Additionally, video marketing in the case of Instagram is a great way to gain new observers, as Instagram uniquely promotes creators who share "reels," or so-called "rolls," on their profile. However, this is not the only form in which content can be created. Communication with users can also be done through graphics/photos and Instagram Stories. In this way, you give your observers many chances to interact with your brand. The app will allow you to learn about customer feedback, respond to comments, address concerns or even make appointments.

TikTok, on the other hand, has 650 million monthly active users and more than 60% of the audience is between the ages of 16 and 24. More and more brands are finding that you have to like this platform if you want to reach a wide audience. When it comes to video, the most important thing is to keep your finger on the pulse when it comes to trends, which, especially on this platform, change like in a kaleidoscope. TikTok is a place where you may not be able to be contacted directly, but if you manage to interest your audience... you can achieve uncontrollable success.

Before you make a decision - TikTok or Instagram - discern who your target audience is. Where does it spend its time? What social media does it choose? And do you have something to look for there? That way you'll see which channel pays you more to invest in.

It is worth noting that in general, the short video format provides the best engagement rates. Take advantage of trends, virals and translate creative ideas to your industry. In addition, you can use social ads on platforms to reach different audiences.

Live streaming as a marketing tool: Practical tips

Live streaming is not only a communication tool, but also a powerful weapon in the hands of marketers. It allows direct interaction with the audience, which can significantly increase customer engagement and loyalty. Here is a practical guide on how to use live streaming as an effective marketing tool to build engagement.

Determine the purpose of the transmission

Before you start conducting live streaming, consider what goal you want to achieve. Do you want to increase brand awareness, promote a new product, or build relationships with customers? Determining your goal will help you focus on relevant content and operate more efficiently.

Choose the right platform

Choose a live streaming platform that best suits your goals and target audience. Popular platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok offer different options, so choose the one that best fits your marketing strategy.

Plan interactive content

Prepare interactive content that will engage viewers and encourage them to participate in the broadcast. You can hold quizzes, contests, answer viewers' questions live, show behind-the-scenes of production or conduct Q&A sessions. The more interactive your content is, the more engagement you will create with viewers.

Promote the event

Don't forget to promote the planned broadcast. Inform your followers on social media about the upcoming live streaming and encourage them to participate. Use a variety of communication channels such as newsletters, blog posts, or website banners to reach as many potential viewers as possible.

Provide valuable content

When live streaming, focus on providing valuable content for viewers. Share interesting information, tips, or show a behind-the-scenes look at your company's operations. Remember to tailor your content to the needs and interests of your target audience.

Respond in real time to questions and comments

Be proactive and respond to viewers' questions and comments in a timely manner. This will show that you appreciate their participation and want to make a real interaction. Make participants feel involved and appreciated, which will contribute to building a positive brand image.

Analyze results and improve strategy

After the broadcast, analyze the results and collect feedback from viewers. What did they like, and what can be improved? Refine your live streaming strategy based on the collected data to achieve even better results in future broadcasts.

Using analytics data to increase community engagement

Any online business activity is meaningless if we don't measure its effectiveness. Social media analytics are key to generating engagement for several reasons:

  1. Understanding your audience: Know your audience's preferences, behaviors and needs. The better you understand your target audience, the easier it is to provide them with content that will interest them and encourage interaction.
  2. Content optimization: Monitor which types of content generate the most engagement. Based on this data, you can adjust your content strategy to better meet the expectations and preferences of your audience.
  3. Determine the best time to publish: Analytics can help you determine when your audience is most active on social media. Publishing at the right times can increase your content's visibility and chances of engagement.
  4. Performance monitoring: With analytics, you can track the results of your social media efforts, such as the number of likes, shares, comments and reach of posts. This allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns and adjust your strategy in real time.
  5. Identify trends and topics: Data analysis allows you to identify trends and topics that are popular with your audience. You can use this information to create content that is timely and interesting to your watchers.

Content personalization: The key to audience hearts and engagement

Trying to create a message that is "for everyone"? Lack of personalization in a marketing message is like shooting blindly. You might hit someone, but you'll mostly waste ammunition. Personalizing social media content is a must-have for winning the hearts of your audience for several reasons:

  1. Understand your audience: Knowing your audience in-depth gives you the opportunities you've been dreaming of. The better you know your watchers' preferences, needs and interests, the more you can tailor your content to their expectations.
  2. Increased engagement: Personalized content is more appealing to audiences because it is tailored to their individual interests and needs. This leads to higher engagement because people are more likely with content that is relevant to them.
  3. Greater loyalty: When audiences feel that content is personalized specifically for them, they may identify more with the brand and feel greater loyalty. People who feel understood and appreciated are more likely to remain loyal customers or brand advocates.
  4. Communication Effectiveness: Tailoring content to individual audience preferences can increase the effectiveness of communications. Personalization allows you to deliver content that is more relevant and more effectively appeals to a specific audience.
  5. Relationship building: Personalized content can help build stronger and more authentic relationships with audiences. When audiences feel that a brand cares about individual needs and interests, they are more likely to interact and engage in dialogue.

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